Friday, August 22, 2008


Well we went to Jacob and Carley's school last night for "meet the teacher" night and everything went great, even though I did manage to get a little teary eyed (what in the world will Monday be like). Both of their teachers seem wonderful. They are both fairly young and seem to be great with children. As for the school I was extremely impressed. They are a title 1 school which basically means they get more money to work with. Every morning the kids meet at 8:00 in the lunchroom for a school wide breakfast which the school provides. On Monday the principal is having breakfast for all the parents, she called it her boo hoo session. They have a ton of parent activities through the year including a cookout, ice cream supper, and tons of other things. I had decided yesterday that I would turn in an application for subbing today and got a phone call last night saying that the principal at South Elementary (grades4-6) wanted to speak to me about a teachers aid position, so we will see what happens. I wasn't planning on working full time, but it would be extremely hard to pass up the insurance and retirement since Brad doesn't get any. I have never met him, but he just moved here and is a member of the church and got my name from someone he knows. Me and Brad decided last night to start a yearly tradition of taking the kids to the first day of school and then spending the day together kid free (what in the world will that be like). I will keep you posted and have some pictures of the kiddos first day.

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