Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Parent Must-Have!

For all of you parents of small children, this "Elf on the Shelf" is something you must get. I will admit that I have never heard of this little guy until some friends here at Fairview introduced us. He comes with a story book that tells all about him. How he works is once your child gives him a name he comes to "life". He shows up sometime before Christmas at your house. He hides out everyday in a new place and observes what is going on. At night, he goes back to the North Pole and reports to Santa, then returns to your house in a different location the next day. Christmas Eve night, he gets to go back to the North Pole with Santa until the next holiday season. Jacob and Carley have had so much looking for "Samson" (our elf) every morning., plus it works as a good threat :) Here in Nashville you can find him at most Hallmark's and Gift Shops, but he is also available online.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow Days...

Well it's official, Nashville has had there first snow day of the season. We measured somewhere between 4 and 5 inches. We were out of school Monday, late start Tuesday, and early release Wednesday. Talk about a crazy week.
Look at my handsome husband (all for that ugly hat...hehe!)

Here's my little angel all bundled up. It was a balmy 6 degrees!

Here is my rough and tumble ALL boy. His favorite thing to do is throw snow at people.

But pay backs can be dangerous!

The best part of a snow day...Hot Chocolate!